Tuesday, September 11, 2018

"Whether it's recovering from a puck to the ankle, or a career of concussions, Cote believes medicinal cannabis is an underutilized and more "sustainable" way for [NHL] players to ease the pain." https://t.co/tmgDZZrora

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Friday, August 17, 2018

420 Clinic is not shutting down, our Lethbridge office is. But it's important to understand that we have been making these transition for months as doctors have been non-cooperative in the area. We can help much more people this way. https://t.co/WwsZzirzuV

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Monday, June 4, 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018

"Countless scientific studies have shown that medical cannabis offers palliative care benefits, including appetite stimulation, pain relief and more. But early research indicates that cannabinoids can do so much more." https://t.co/Z9XxcTFspg @sciam #cannabis #cancer

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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

A new study out of California will explore medical #cannabis as a treatment for #autism https://t.co/1gDtsADkTN @Entrepreneur

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As Dr. Ife Abiola explains, even with legalization coming, people using cannabis for medical reasons will never go away. https://t.co/ac2UGp6YgW #cannabis #cdnpoli #marijuana

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May 1, 2015 we officially opened the first medical cannabis clinic in Alberta. Happy birthday to us! πŸŽ‰ Photo @thestarcalgary #cannabis #yyc #marijuana https://t.co/PKaMEsZIGL

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Monday, April 30, 2018

Let’s talk #cannabis! @businesslinkab #bizconnectYYC #yyc https://t.co/Mtkc9tR62Y

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Jeff is getting ready for the @BusinessLinkAB panel to start shortly at @Trapgill! #cannabis #yyc https://t.co/PEbsCKpl3U

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NFL player makes medical marijuana history: 'I have a life to live' https://t.co/mQGhYezcwL @CNN #NFL #marijuana #cannabis

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Jeff Mooij will join other industry experts today at 1:30PM to discuss the "cannabis-ness" with @BusinessLinkAB https://t.co/jhGNbrDPt1 #yyc #entrepreneur #cannabis https://t.co/yUOzYFA7gS

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Jeff is speaking on this panel. #yyc #cannabis https://t.co/9q1ZR65tbX

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Happy #420! Although this is a recreational cannabis celebration, we are proud to have made huge strides in the medical cannabis space under the name "420 Clinic". We were the first medical cannabis clinic in Alberta. https://t.co/u43DioF7Ft #YYC #420Day

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7 myths and misconceptions about medical marijuana https://t.co/D76SeYAP6A @mindbodygreen #cannabis #420 #420day

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Monday, April 9, 2018

"The research definitely shows that cannabis works on opiates … to reduce or substitute opiates for a better quality of life." https://t.co/2WsT90HIAe

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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Our president will be speaking on this @BusinessLinkAB panel with @cityofcalgary @CanCannabis April 30th in #YYC https://t.co/RAJOXnjNzM #cannabis #yyccc

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Proposed Nova Scotia legislation would see fines as high as $10,000 for illegal marijuana sales or distribution to a person under 19. https://t.co/uKvyh3tkX1 @globalnews #novascotia #cannabis #cdnpoli

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Bylaw to ban smoking #cannabis in public heads to @cityofcalgary council for final approval on Thursday. https://t.co/LxKsCEhZuG @CBCCalgary #yyc #yyccc

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

"Cannabis does not come close to the harms that alcohol creates" #yyccc

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Hmm, we aren't comparing cannabis to alcohol are we? Very very different substances. "Alcohol was the third-leading risk factor for death and disability globally" -- NO deaths from cannabis. #yyccc #yyc https://t.co/gs60sRE6s2

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The @cityofcalgary is scheduled to discuss #cannabis legalization bylaws at today's council meeting https://t.co/XKd1XIu3zx #yyc #yyccc

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Monday, April 2, 2018

πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Two new studies show how marijuana can help fight the opioid epidemic https://t.co/ldOBVymUCR @washingtonpost #cannabis #marijuana #health

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"Police spread too thin to enforce public cannabis use bylaw, union says" https://t.co/vMwxrHxAfU @calgaryherald #cannabis #yyccc #yyc

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"Statistically, Cannabis legalization led to a lowering of the violent crime rate in the US states where medical Marijuana has been decriminalized." https://t.co/dI29Vj3HVA #cannabis #study #cdnpoli https://t.co/93aC6ricZj

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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Our clinic is closed tomorrow for Good Friday, but we are open regular hours again on Monday. Happy Easter! πŸ‡ #yyc https://t.co/DjgXqwc3PI

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This article quotes a source saying cannabis "kills less than 1,000 people a year".. in reality it is ZERO. No deaths reported from #cannabis. #yyc https://t.co/9O6QkNQIG8

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Red Deerians asked to weigh in on cannabis rules https://t.co/4jhnvSi1gv @RedDeerExpress #reddeer #cannabis #yqf

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The Town of Okotoks is hoping residents will weigh in on the future of local cannabis legislation. https://t.co/WnWpvHf72r #Okotoks #cannabis #ableg https://t.co/pbNJzCMV9S

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Monday, March 26, 2018

"A preclinical study has shown that an ingredient in cannabis, CBD, may help to stop addicts relapsing to take drugs such as cocaine and alcohol." https://t.co/yS1ihnL3eJ @MetroUK #cannabis #cbd #addiction

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"Medical cannabis shouldn't be subject to tax" https://t.co/OyoLDAyIVO @OttawaCi #cannabis #medicalcannabis #cdnpoli https://t.co/4O2N8ueQBz

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Check out this amazing feature from @O_Magazine on moms who use marijuana — "High Tea" https://t.co/rrLaP6ig2F #cannabis #moms #marijuana https://t.co/N7xvJFPAOg

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In a special issue of the European Journal of Internal Medicine, scientists call for cannabis-based treatments to be added to modern medicine’s arsenal. https://t.co/prhPps9WSY #cannabis #marijuana #medicine https://t.co/gb2UJxpU72

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Treating endometriosis with cannabis https://t.co/bmwOPV51Hy @van_der_pop #cannabis #endometriosis #womenshealth https://t.co/3IHiKITYg2

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This study, plus an earlier one in Israel, bolsters anecdotal evidence that in states where marijuana is legal, opioid overdoses decline. https://t.co/VXYzgCxuNS @Entrepreneur #cannabis #health #marijuana https://t.co/3iefQPKhFF

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The Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division released a new “Single Universal Symbol” that must be included on packaging and labeling for all cannabis products. https://t.co/KDLIPMyU83 @MJBizDaily #cannabis #legalization https://t.co/F69PBU0ojU

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Today is #AskAQuestionDay — Ask us anything about medical cannabis... ready, set, go! #yyc #cannabis https://t.co/zskNTaTRt1

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The dangers of buying #cannabis from illegal sources: "You think you're consuming marijuana but it may have come in contact with an opioid, which can be fatal and can be deadly." https://t.co/RBG5EwyeB5 @CBCNews #cdnpoli https://t.co/2ukE6ZhI6j

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Great discussion tonight in #Okotoks! So great to see so many citizens engaged in this topic. πŸ‘πŸ» #cannabis @OkotoksChamber https://t.co/5utyVMSNlP

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Dr Ife Abiola speaking about how a recent study found THC to reduce #PTSD symptoms by 75%. πŸš‘ #cannabis https://t.co/Oqvxsg8TeS

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We are in #Okotoks talking #cannabis and legalization! @OkotoksChamber https://t.co/2YtqntB3nK

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